Arrow Alliance Industries recognizes that medical insurance may include coverage gaps - potentially leaving staff and their dependents with unexpected medical costs. The Bay Bridge Administrators supplemental medical expense insurance (GAP Plan) helps employees cover out-of-pocket expenses such as diagnostic tests, ER visits, deductibles, co-insurance, and copays. Employees enrolled in ANY comprehensive health insurance are eligible.

Initial Enrollment Period:  30 days from date of hire.
Effective Date:  30 days from date of hire.
Termination/Loss of Coverage (LOC): Last day of month.

A GAP Plan complements your medical plan by assisting with certain medical expenses and deductibles.

Benefits payable under the policy are limited to any health benefit plan deductible and health benefit plan coinsurance amounts the covered person incurs under the health benefit.



Enroll For GAP Plan Insurance

When you enroll in the Gap Plan, you will use the same portalas with the other benefits.
See Benefits Enrollment for more information.

Please note that once you make your choice, changes cannot be made until the next open enrollment period,
at the end of the plan year, unless you have a material change in your personal circumstances.