Long Term Care Insurance
Paying for long-term care, declining health that requires long-term care, and outliving savings and investments are among the top retirement concerns of American workers, today. Our Extended Care Program can provide both a living benefit (long-term care) and a survivor benefit (life insurance) that can be customized and extended based on individual needs.
● Americans age 55 – 64 have only saved 12% of what they need for a secure retirement.
● 57% of current Social Security recipients filed for benefits before reaching the age of 65.
● The average couple retiring today will have to cover $295,000 in post-retirement health care expenses.
● The average retirement account has a balance of $107,000.
● Click HERE to see costs specific to your zip code.
Please indicate your interest in either selecting or waiving interest in participation
in the Transamerica Extended Care Program by clicking here (or the big red button) no later than 6/16/23.
If interested, you will be contacted shortly after submission of the form.
Direct questions to:
Frederick Helm ([email protected] OR 804-382-5580).
Sample Cost of Coverage
Sample: $50,000 Survivor Benefit (life insurance) with $2,000 Living Benefit (long-term care).
Sample: $100,000 Survivor Benefit (life insurance) with $4,000 Living Benefit (long-term care).
Transamerica Coverage Guidelines
● $50,000 is guaranteed issue - no underwriting, for employees; amounts over $50,000 are simplified issue (medical questionnaire) and available up to $500,000.
● $15,000 is guaranteed issue - no underwriting for spouses; amounts over $15,000 are simplified issue (medical questionnaire) and available up to $100,000.
● $25,000 is guaranteed issue - no underwriting for children/grandchildren
Coverage is fully portable; rates based on age at issue and do not change with age.