An Array of Benefits with One Solution in Mind: Your Well-Being

Outstaffing is pleased to offer excellent benefits structured to give you and your family the very best in overall care. All benefit plan descriptions, forms, rates, etc. are available on the corresponding benefits pages below.  Outstaffing understands that the selection process can be confusing, and we encourage you to contact us if you need help selecting your benefits.

ALL eligible employees must select their benefits (elect or waive) during their initial eligibility period.  Failure to complete the election forms will make you a late entrant, subject to underwriting or you must wait for the next open enrollment period. (See Below).


Directly Paid by Your Employer:

  • VIRTUAL CARE—100% (Up to 6)
  • MEDICAL—100% (Employee Only )

Discretionary Pay May Be Available:



Fully Review Your Options
Before you start, review and print the important documents provided by the carrier that describes each benefit plan.  Each plan being offered is explained in detail by the Summary of Benefits Coverage (SBC) document, the Plan Rate Chart, and many other related documents.  When multiple plans are offered, we also provide a Plans Comparison Report to help you made a side-by-side comparison.  Please carefully read all documents before electing or waiving coverage.

Transparency in Coverage
Sponsors of group medical insurance are required, by the Federal Government, to comply with the Transparency in Coverage Rule and, additionally, provide Federally Required Documents for eligible plan participants.  See our Broker's  Worth A Look Post of 4/17/23 for more details.  To view the individual federally required documents and machine readable file information, click here.

Research the Provider Network
Given the importance of the provider network you should check the carrier website resources to make sure your healthcare providers are in the network.  If you do not find your provider, call them directly and ask them if they accept the insurance plan being offered.

Balance the Costs and Coverage
As with selecting auto insurance, the more risk the carrier assumes, the higher the cost.  Although premiums are the primary concern, other factors must be considered.  The right plan choice for you and your family is a balance of deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, policy limits, annual maximums, coverage details and networks provided.  Ultimately, plan selection usually comes down to a number of considerations including: individual health, age, and personal financial situation.

Still Need Help Selecting Your Plans?
Outstaffing is here to help you.  Although we cannot select the plan for you, we are here to help you understand how the plan(s) work.  Please contact Outstaffing to discuss each benefit in detail so you can make the best selection.  If you have detailed medical questions, you can discuss them with our broker.


Initial Enrollment
As a new full-time employee, you MUST return all forms indicating your acceptance or waiver for every benefit for which you are eligible. This is required by the carriers. All forms showing your acceptance or waiver must be returned within the initial enrollment period.

Annual Open Enrollment
All employees will be offered certain health benefits again, prior to the plan anniversary date, at which time they can elect or make changes for each of the benefits

Life Changes
If at any time, you experience a life change (material change in circumstances) such as birth, marriage, divorce, death, etc. you should contact Outstaffing immediately as your coverage eligibility and options to elect health coverage may change.   This includes Loss of Coverager from an existing plan.


Participating employees are responsible for paying monthly premiums and contributions by payroll deduction.  Outstaffing collects half of your monthly premiums from each bi-weekly paycheck. As premiums are due in advance, we collect them in advance. For new enrollees, it is usually necessary to collect more than half of the monthly premium from each paycheck for the first few pay periods. When three paychecks fall within one month, the third will have no regular premiums withheld. Amounts withheld may be adjusted periodically to cover any under or over payments.

Benefits information provided on this website summarizes the major features and services offered under the plans and are intended as a narrative only to introduce employees to the overall program. Please consult the original materials provided by the insurance companies and related policy documents for more detail. In any event, the detailed legal descriptions contained in the insurance company documents will prevail. The plans may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of Outstaffing, Inc., without notice.