Your business life is about to get a lot simpler! Outstaffing makes it easy for you by taking the administration and management of the payroll and HR work-load off your shoulders and putting it on ours. With Outstaffing, you're not a number on our client list…you're our new business partner.
1. HOSTING CLIENT SETUP: First, you'll provide us your new client information with the New Client Information Form. This information is used to initiate a New Client Setup with our payroll processor (Paylocity).
In addition to the New Client Form, we also need you to send us copies of the following documents:
- Official IRS Letter showing your Federal Tax ID (EIN).
- Most recent quarterly 941 Form, filed with the IRS.
- Copy of current, active WC policy (Declaration Pages), showing codes and rates.
- State UI Notice showing Account number and current year SUI rate (all states).
- State Income Tax Withholidng notice, showing Account number (all states).
2. ADD YOUR EMPLOYEES: For each of your employees and for all future new hires, we will initiate a secure online web session that will step the new employee through the information needed (demographics, taxes, direct deposit, I-9, etc.) to activate them on the payroll. Read more about The Onboarding Process, and complete a New Hire Form for each employee.
3. FUND YOUR PAYROLL: Direct Debit Authorization Form – Authorizes Outstaffing to withdraw invoice amounts from your designated Client account. It may be a savings or a checking account; you may also choose to set up a separate payroll account just for that purpose. Outstaffing guarantees the integrity of Direct Debit.
We look forward to working with you!