Client Tools


Reporting a Claim

In the event of an accident or injury in the workplace, no matter how minor, the incident should be reported.  Contact Outstaffing immediately concerning the incident and we will help you with filing your claim.  It is your responsibility as the workplace employer to report the claim to your WC Policy carrier.

Premium Payments

Outstaffing is the designated administrator of your WC policy. We only collect and pay actual premiums as directed by the carrier. When due, premiums will be paid by Outstaffing and invoiced to you as incurred. Premiums may reflect estimated payroll changes detected by the carrier in the current-policy-year audit.

Annual Policy Audit

After renewal or expiration, the policy will be audited by the carrier at the Outstaffing office. At that time, actual payroll numbers will be used to reconcile the estimated figures given for the prior policy year. On completion, any premium adjustments (under/over payments) will be settled through a reconciliation invoice or refund check.

Policy Documents

Outstaffing is in receipt of all WC policy documents and keeps detailed records in your client files. Should you want copies of any of the paperwork, please contact the office and we will send it to you. Upon policy issuance or renewal, we will forward you a copy for your records, along with any important endorsements to the policy.

Changing Carrier or Cancellation

In the event the carrier no longer offers coverage in Virginia, a new WC Policy Application will be required.  Furthermore, if the Outstaffing/Client relationship ends, a cancellation request form will be required.